Turning Dodger Stadium into a hip hop playground and merch haven.

The Lowdown
From live music to carnival rides, Camp Flog Gnaw Carnival was a vibe all its own.
Right outside the historic Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, our live screen printing team crafted THE most sought after merch item from the entire festival. With vibrant, split fountain designs – our freshly printed totes caused campers to line up in droves for their chance to snag one of these exclusive Camp Flog Gnaw goodies.
A tote bag is a festival goers best friend, and when you elevate each tote with stunning designs and eye popping color – you’re never a one-hit-wonder. From the moment the gates opened till the final attendee left the grounds, our live team were nonstop printing. The line for this one-of-a-kind merch was jaw-dropping, extending far beyond the Toyota “Camp Green” tent. Campers’ anticipation kept our team excited and motivated, slinging totes from sun up to sun down.
There’s never a dull moment when you mix great music, an eccentric atmosphere, and high quality merch.